Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi

Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum


Citas: 3

Libkind, D.; Brizzio, S.; Ruffini, A:; Gadanho, M.van Broock, M. y Sampaio, (2003)

Molecular characterization of cariogenetic yeasts fron aquatic environments in Patagonia, Argentina. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 84: 313-322, 2003.

Libkin. D; Perez. P; Sommaruga, R; Diéguez, M del C; Ferraro. M; Brizzio.S; Zagarese. H and M, Van Broock (2004)

Constitutive and UV-inducible synthesis of photoprotective compounds ( carotenoids and mycosporines) by freh water yeasts

Libkind, D; Ruffini.A y M. Van Broock (2004)

Levaduras Teleomòrficas pigmentadas de ambientes naturales de la Patagonia Noroccidental